Thursday, December 27, 2012

The iWay Service Manager - Part 2

In order to let iWay Service Manager [hence in forth referred to as iSM] transfer, transform and transmit data between A2A & B2B applications, configuring of primary objects are vital. A scenario is referred to as a Channel in iSM and composition of it is as follows:

      1)   Conduits - A container of components through which messages flow and can indirectly reference one or more of the following components:
a.    Components – The primitive objects that builds a channel at the end. Following are primitive components available for configuration:
                                         i.    Adapters – The driver that lets an application/server/system to communicate with iSM;
                                       ii.    Decryptors – A pre-process function that decrypts the incoming message;
                                      iii.    Ebix – A transformation set to translate incoming EDI messages to & from XML form;
                                      iv.    Emitters – A component to transmit payload from one service to another in & out of iSM;
                                        v.    Encryptors - A post-process function that encrypts the incoming message;
                                      vi.    Listeners - A component that listens for messages in a specific format, location and a communicating party;
                                     vii.    Preemitters – A component to translate the payload from one form to other based on the message type and message protocol;
                                   viii.    Reviewers - A component that reviews a document immediately following parse into xml and immediately before the pre-emitter stage;
                                      ix.    Rules - iWay Service Manager provides functionality to validate the structure and content of incoming and outgoing messages/documents. This process goes beyond simply checking the structure that may be expressed in a schema. You can validate content values, complex conditional dependencies of elements, and the balancing of values;
                                        x.    Schemas – A repository to maintain schemas in iSM;
                                      xi.    Services - Services are executed java procedures that handle the business logic of a message;
                                    xii.    Transforms – A transformation object that transforms the payload from one form into other;
b.   Variables – Local variables used by channels & processes;

       2)   Recovery – Repository for deleted objects;

A Channel directly reference the following objects in a sequence:

Inlet -> Route -> Outlet

An Inlet can directly reference:

Listener [mandatory, configured first] -> Decryptor ->Preparser

A Route can directly reference: [at least presence of one object is mandatory]

Transformation-1 [optional] -> Process [optional] -> Transformation-2 [optional]

An Outlet can directly reference:

Emitter -> Pre-Emitter [executed before emit event] -> Encryptor

Let us see, how-to build a simple scenario in one of my next posts. ;-)

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