Wednesday, August 27, 2014

iSM - Applying Managed Server Specifc Options

Entities Involved:
  • iWay Service Manager;
  • batchFile.bat to apply managed server specific options; [such as library selection, JVM options] 
  •  configData.Properties to store managed  server options for use by batchFile.bat
  • Ability to handle iWayXX batch file safely;
  • Ability to handle ‘’ file correctly;
          This is a batch script fashioned solution, designed to apply managed server specific options to meet situation where every managed server in an iSM is expected to use libraries that are not same. To use this solution, follow the steps as described without change.

Step-1: Prepare library folder layout

          Create a directory within folder to name it ‘customLibs’. There may be several sub-folders to it. Place the libraries as required accordingly.

Step-2: Prepare file

          Prepare managed server specific information and populate the file. The file is allowed to have any number of items which is expected to contain a key, which is the name of the property, and a value, which is the option to be applied for that key. In our example, it is the location of a jar file specific to a managed server. A sample file will look like what is seen in the screen below:


Step-3: Modify iWayXX.cmd file

          Locate the file named ‘iWayXX.cmd’, where XX is the version of the iSM in place, to back it up. Open the file to add the following section of code right after the section where IWAYXX [example for iSM version 6.1.X is IWAY61] variable is defined:

@rem ================================================
@rem Start of setting Managed Server Specific Options
@rem ================================================
@call %IWAY61%batchFile.bat %1 %IWAY61%
@set customPath=%IWAY61%%returnValue%
@rem ================================================
@rem End of setting Managed Server Specific Options
@rem ================================================

This section of code in the batch script will extract the managed server options from the that we defined previously.

Now that we have the values needed for application during start-up of a managed server, let’s set it up as described below:

Identify local class path definition, which is by looking for a string ‘@set lcp’ and add the following command to its definition:


Sample iWayXX.cmd file before modification:

@rem ================================================          
@rem run it
@rem ================================================          
@rem special stuff for jacorb ****
@if exist %IWAY61%lib\jacorb.jar set remdbg= -Xbootclasspath/p:%IWAY61%lib\jacorb.jar %remdbg%
@set lcp=%IWAY61%config\%1\lib\*;%IWAY61%lib\*;%IWAY61%etc\manager\extensions\*;%IWAY61%etc\manager\console\*;%IWAY61%etc\manager\transformations\custom_functions\*;%IWAY61%etc\manager\transformations\custom_functions\*;%lcp%

Sample iWayXX.cmd file after modification:

@rem ================================================          
@rem Start of setting Managed Server Specific Options
@rem ================================================    
@call %IWAY61%batchFile.bat %1 %IWAY61%
@set customPath=%IWAY61%%returnValue%
@rem ================================================          
@rem End of setting Managed Server Specific Options
@rem ================================================ 
@rem ================================================          
@rem run it
@rem ================================================          
@rem special stuff for jacorb ****
@if exist %IWAY61%lib\jacorb.jar set remdbg= -Xbootclasspath/p:%IWAY61%lib\jacorb.jar %remdbg%
@set lcp=%IWAY61%config\%1\lib\*;%IWAY61%lib\*;%IWAY61%etc\manager\extensions\*;%IWAY61%etc\manager\console\*;%IWAY61%etc\manager\transformations\custom_functions\*;%IWAY61%etc\manager\transformations\custom_functions\*;%lcp%;%customPath%


Start-up the server to verify whether or not the applied custom settings have taken effect. This can be done by launching iSM Web Console->Server->Java Properties and search for the jar file name or any other JVM options that were set.



@echo off
@rem setlocal
@FOR /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%G IN (%2\configData.Properties) DO ( if %%G==%1 set returnValue=%%H)
call:rightTrim %returnValue%
exit /b %returnValue%
@rem endlocal

@for /l %%a in (1,1,31) do if "!returnValue:~-1!"==" " set returnValue=!returnValue:~0,-1!

Isn’t that easy? Good luck!

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